XR – MR – How Did I Get To This Point?

At age 5, I knew only two things - I wanted to be a firefighter and fly helicopters. I knew exactly what led to me wanting to be a firefighter. I don't remember how I found out about helicopters and pilots. It was probably a TV show my parents watched or a movie, and I …

SERINDA V3 – “Graceland”

I've decided to name this version "Graceland" - IYKYK. While the original intent of SERINDA was to provide many open-source and cheap options for AR/MR/XR, those endeavors have proven quite expensive time-wise. This next version will explore different cameras for SLAM (VSLAM/ORB SLAM/etc.) and OpenCV AI Kit (OAK-D). I have an original, clunky OAK-D, and …

PM2 Startup Error with Node and Typescript

If you decide to run PM2 to run your node server and you're using Typescript you can get this error: [PM2][ERROR] Interpreter .nvm/versions/node/v18.11.0/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/.bin/ts-node is NOT AVAILABLE in PATH. (type 'which .nvm/versions/node/v18.11.0/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/.bin/ts-node' to double check.) It can come in many forms but the important part is ts-node is NOT AVAILABLE in PATH. The fix for this …

Groovy, Kotlin, and Java

I was reading this article https://medium.com/sciforce/kotlin-vs-groovy-which-language-to-choose-47e4369fb905 which discusses the pros and cons of Kotlin vs Groovy. It's a good article and worth the read. It's been a few years since this was published, but I'm going to comment anyway. Disclaimer: I've used Groovy since 2005, have been a Java developer since 2000, and use Grails …

My Memorization System For Playing Cards

For my whole life, I've been able to remember almost anything. Not eidetic memory (which would be amazing and a curse), but close. Especially, if I am sitting in a place learning something or reading a book where all of my focus is on that topic. In May 2017, I was having issues with my …